Monday 11 October 2010

Character Analysis

Russell – Up.
Russell is one of main characters in the Disney Pixar film Up. In the first scene that Russell appears in, he is introducing himself as a wilderness explorer, and his reason for being at Mr Fredrickson’s door. He is a memorable character as he is a typical innocent child, he’s short and fat and generally cute, making the audience warm to him.  He is very gullible in believing in a made up bird, the snipe and is a comical character. Over the shoulder shots have been used and when Mr Fredrickson answers the door at first, he looks straight over Russel’s head, then he realises he is there, this shows the audience that Russell is a small child and helps them to automatically know what to think of him. Russell is in his wilderness explorer uniform, with a huge backpack and lots of parts coming off of it. This is a very memorable outfit for him to be wearing and helps the audience to know what type of kid he is.
  Just before Russell enters the scene, Mr Fredrickson is very grumpy and unsociable, when he finally decides to let Russell explain his reason for being there, it lightens the mood and makes the viewer like Russell as it brought out a different side to Mr Fredrickson.

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