Monday 11 October 2010

Media Analysis


I am going to do my analysis on the character in the childrens film "The Incredibles" called Incrediboy aka Buddy.
I think that the thing that makes him memorable is that he is such a young boy, dreaming about being a superhero like his idol, i think this relates to childrens watching the film as they all want to be superheroes too after watching this film. I think thats why Pixar Animations put him into the film, as he is relating to the audience in a way that maybe an adult character couldn't. The sound in this clip is mainly Incrediboy and Mr. Incredible talking however this is some almost "playful" music used to emphasize the Incrediboy thinks that fighting crime is nice and easy. Also the way that Incrediboys' costume replicates that of Mr. Incredible we can tell that he wants to be just like him.

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