Friday 8 October 2010

Film Classification

As our film is a children's film, we must make sure the classification is a PG or U.
A PG classification means that unaccompanied children of any age can watch, and shouldn't disrupt a child of eight or older. This would mean that our film should contain no discriminatory language and only mild bad language would be suitable. Sexual activity should be mentioned subtly and infrequently and nudity should have no sexual context. References to drugs should be mild and have an underlying message of anti-drugs. Horror scenes should not be long or intense and there should be no detail of dangerous behaviour which young children may be influenced by.
A U classification means that it should be suitable for any age over four years. This means that our film should contain no discriminatory language at all, and no mention of drug use unless it has an educational purpose. Horror sequences should be very mild and suitable for young children. There should be only mild  sexual activity, e.g. kissing, and references only (such as 'making love') and only natural nudity with no sexual context. Only very mild bad language is allowed infrequently. Like PG, there should be no detail of dangerous behaviour which young children may be influenced by and only occasional mild violence.

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