Thursday 7 October 2010

Children's Film Analysis

We watched Group One's children's film, G20. It was a sci-fi adventure film. It establishes the location of the film which is a key part of the conventions of an opening sequence, which is Long Road Sixth Form Centre. We know this because the film opens with a zoom in on the sign of the college. The film establishes the narrative, another important convention, by showing the two main characters immediately.
The music makes it clear that it's an adventure. The sound gave the opening scene an intense atmosphere and created a climax to the action that was about to unfold. The lighting for the first two minutes is natural but the last scene shows the main characters walking into a dark room, which is then lit up by the macs' static on the screen. This creates an eerie atmosphere and prepares the audience. This hooks the viewer as you can feel something important is about to happen. The only titles the film has is at the end where the film's name is shown, there is no mention of the production company or the principle actors.

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